Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day Two Hundred and Forty-Nine

I'm 17 days into another run at Item #63 - spend 15 minutes a day outside for 100 consecutive days. I've photographed this item several times, but I was quite proud of the results of yesterday's "15 minutes" (give or take an hour), and it's my blog, so I can post pictures if I want. ;)

Quite a bit of this isn't actually weeds, just the leftover greenery from the MANY grape hyacinths that bloomed last month. They're trimmed back now, but still visible above the bark dust so they can get a little more sun and rain absorbed for next year's growing. These were all here before we moved to this house - I can see a flowerbed with blue iris and blue grape hyacinth, but I probably wouldn't have put them in with pink roses, personally. I've never had the heart to pull out the irises though, so they keep sharing space.

Before and after, from the driveway:

Before and after, from the sidewalk:

Buddy helped pull weeds too, and showed surprising enthusiasm for it. I could hear him over in his little patch of garden muttering, "Bad weeds! I hate weeds! I'm bigger than you! You want a piece of me? I'll give you a piece of me!" No idea where his aggressive gardening came from, but if it gets weeds out of the flower beds, I'm all for it!


  1. I say dandelion salad

  2. I think he might be related be related to his Papa Jake!
    Love, Janet W

  3. Mrs. W, I sent Daddy a link to this earlier today - I think you're right, and that is one gene that pretty much skipped a generation!
