Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day Two Hundred and Thirty-Nine

I suppose it's technically Day 240 since I stayed up past midnight sewing (Item #79), but I'm still counting it as 239 since that's the day it was when I woke up this morning.

About a year ago, I cut out the pattern pieces for matching nightgowns for Boo and for me. I made hers, along with a couple of other summer nightgowns from the same pattern, and then got sort of busy, and then it was time to make the matching Christmas jammies for Boo and Buddy, and then the pieces for mine kind of got buried under mending, and well, there went a year.

I decided it might be nice to sew mine before she grew out of hers.

The picture above is me working on the hand-sewing that makes the inside smooth and finished. If I have something to watch while I sew, I really enjoy the quiet, calm repetition of sewing by hand. In this case, a couple of particularly hair-raising episodes of Heroes kept me from getting too bored. Maybe I'll make another one for my next 101 Things project!


  1. So, if that's both your hands in the photo, how did you take the picture?

  2. Oh! Good point! I guess I can't count that one for Item #74, since Boo took it. Although, going by the exact wording of Item #74, it just says "post pictures" ... and since the alternative is taking a picture of myself in my nightgown, I think I might call this one finished. ;)

  3. is this the nightgown I cut out? Mama

  4. Ahhh ... I *wondered* why I didn't remember cutting it out. Yes, it is, then. :D
