Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day Two Hundred and Forty

(I know, the picture's blurry - this is what happens when the 11-year-old photographer and her subject get the giggles!)

Today I started sorting out a whole bunch of Buddy's old clothes (Item #36), went for a 20-minute bike ride (working toward Item #51), did not have cake at my brother-in-law's law degree graduation party (small progress toward the elusive Item #56), and finished another hat (Item #33).

I think that's enough work to merit a hot bath and a good book, don't you?


  1. Bubble bath, soothing oil beads, plain hot water and a book with maybe a glass of wine. Which?

  2. Anonymous reader, that sounds like a lovely menu of options! I'll pass on the last one since Item #55 is still going strong (I figured that would help not to derail Item #56), but otherwise that sounds like a good way to wrap up a long day. Years ago, my dad gave me some natural bath salts that I used and loved ... sure wish I'd written down the name of them, because they were GREAT!

  3. I think you should drop goal 56. Some of us love you just the way you are.

  4. Thanks! :) Unfortunately, you're not the one who has to fit into my jeans, so I think I'll keep at least trying to reach that goal. ;)

  5. Trying is good.
