Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day Nine

Inertia is a lovely thing, some days. Today I sort of worked on a few items, and actually accomplished nothing. Normally I would be bothered by the "accomplished nothing" part, but today I am enjoying doing nothing much. (It turns out that doing nothing much is greatly enhanced by a cold roast beef sandwich, in case you ever decide to give it a whirl.)

Here are all the things I didn't really do:

#6, 7 - I looked at a bunch of biographies and novels at Borders, but didn't buy any.
#8 - I thought briefly about finding a new cheesecake recipe, but decided I'm caloried out.
#9 - I sort of glanced at the Chopin Ballade on the piano. (I wonder if learning by osmosis would work.)
#12 - I griped a bit about all the cooking classes being full.
#21 - I found out that my new cell phone has a GPS on it, so this was accidental progress on the list.
#26 - I rued the fact that La Boheme is playing in Portland this week and I will need to get a little farther on #56 before attempting #26.
#34 - I grew my hair out some more.
#41 - I bemoaned the fact that I have been too lazy to write any essays on my main blog for several months.
#47 - I thought briefly about going for a run.
#63 - I sat on my backside and read a book - but I did it outside, yay me!
#65 - I seriously intended to work on my music today, thus laying one more paving stone on the infernal path.
#73 - I stepped over some of the paperwork on the office floor and thought, Dang, I oughta do something about that.
#93 - I opened up and started looking for movie titles, but got distracted.
#101 - I admired someone's naturally strawberry blonde hair.

And I shall sleep well tonight, because every now and then, you need a day of rest.

[picture not included]

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