Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day Four Hundred and Sixty-Four

Remember Items #4 and #5, in which I will supposedly learn French?

I got the Pink Martini album "Hey Eugene!" for Christmas, and fell entirely in love with the song "Ocala".  I am completely inspired all over again to learn at least minimal French, if for no other reason than to be able to sing along with this song with correct diction.  (If I did it right, the name of the song is now a youtube link to it.)

If you get it stuck in your head for the next three weeks, c'est la vie.  You've been given fair warning.


  1. And DEFINITELY don't look up Bukra Wba'do from the same album. Impossibly catchy tune.

  2. Pink martini is a fun band.
    I stopped by because I always see your comments @ manofewords, and they usually make me smile.

    This is an ambitious list, but I see you are making progress.
    I like the cleaning section... Good luck with your Office Closet of Doom! =)
