Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day Four Hundred and Forty-Two

And there's recipe #16 - Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls! They have no calories at all, you can tell just by looking at them.

I got the recipe 10 or 12 years ago from a Secret Santa, and since it was a secret she didn't put her name on it ... and as a result I have no freakin' clue where I got the recipe. So, Secret Santa from the late 1990's, if you recognize this candy, thanks - they were great!

Real butter, peanut butter, powdered sugar, and chocolate chips. It hardly seems difficult enough to consider it an actual recipe, but since it's a pain in the backside to dip anything more complicated than a strawberry in melted chocolate, I'm counting it.

I should have had Item #8 be "try 100 new recipes". I'm sorry to be almost finished with it! I mean, not that I can't still try new recipes ... it's just that after I finish the item, I no longer have any rational reason to post pictures of them.


  1. I bet that you're the only person I know that would be experimenting with a new recipe and on the sink, next to the bowl of ingredients, would be a book of novel proportions, open and most likely being read while the mixing was going on. You're amazing! ~

  2. Dear Anonymous Reader,

    I had to laugh ... this is ALWAYS how I cook, and I have to be terribly careful with library books when I'm doing anything involving a) spaghetti sauce, b) multiple hot burners or c) an electric mixer and any batter that could potentially become airborne.

    Did you know that if you set a plastic-covered library book on a burner that is still warm from previous use, you will get a nice neat series of concentric rings melted into the plastic?

  3. Can't say I accomplished the "hot ring" phenomenon with a library book but I do have a cutting board that bears a strong resemblence

  4. holy mother of god. i'm drooling.

  5. I have a cookbook with just that pattern on it. Of course, I'm claiming no knowledge of how it got there. :)
