Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day Six Hundred and Eighty-Five

And that's Item #8 in the bag!  Well, in the tummies, if I'm going to be entirely accurate.

Last Christmas my mom gave my sister and me the two-volume hardcover anniversary edition of Julia Child's "The Art of French Cooking", which was responsible for this bit of deliciousness.  The Christmas before that, though, she gave us both another lovely cookbook called "Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day."  She was making her own bread out of dough stored in a plastic crock in her refrigerator, and it looked easy and tasted delicious.

So, naturally, I forgot about it for an entire year.

Then last year at New Year's, my sister made focaccia bread from the same recipe book, and it turned out she'd been making fabulous bread of all sorts ever since she got the book.  I got inspired - I can do this!  I did a little research on wheat flour and bought a big plastic container and earmarked a few interesting recipes.  I was ready to go!

And forgot about it for another four months.

Finally, though, I got myself pulled together and made this focaccia bread, topped with olive oil, rosemary, and coarse kosher salt.  It was beyond delicious, and I have no idea why I promptly put the recipe book back in the cupboard and forgot to ever make it again.  Hmmm ... come to think of it, I've got a little time this afternoon ...

Day Six Hundred and Eighty-Four

Dude, seriously?  684 days?  That's a long time!


I wasn't sure how many of these I'd already posted, so I just grabbed everything that was in my "finished to give away" basket and took a picture.  Looking back through the blog, it looks like you've seen the green scarf, the brown scarf, and the stripy hat, but the blue hat and the baby booties are new.  Since taking this picture, I've also made two slightly goofy-looking hats with floppy brims which you will probably NOT see modeled, unless I end up in an appropriately goofy mood some time between now and when I mail them off to the "chemo caps" organization I found online.

This brings the total up to 12/20 - I should be able to make 8 more things in a little less than a year, I think!